O Venetian tower Avlonariou, preserved and restored in 1953 .Ton used by Venetians as a center of an optical telegraph system and has response with other towers that have survived in moderate poor katastasi.Ta windows are located on the middle and upper part of the tower, while the lower part only brought light weapons lockers.
The masonry is made of rough stones with many small tiles in the gaps. The dimensions of the exterior is 8.10ch8.05 meters and a height of about 19 meters. During the Ottoman period it was used as police. After liberation, a group of Bavarian soldiers came and settled in the Tower to see if bouncing to stay or otherwise demolished. Because they were found intact and habitable repaired it.
When the Bavarians withdrew, it was used as City Hall Distion Municipality. According to tradition, the first Hall of the Municipality Distion stegazotane the Venetian Tower, had four floors and the second floor became the Town Hall Avlonariou.
The windows are located in the middle and upper part of the tower, while the lower part only brought light weapons lockers.
The masonry is made of rough stones with many small tiles in the gaps.
Its dimensions are 8.10mCh8.05m and has a height of 19 meters.