In the early 13th century and perhaps in the early years of the Franks built on the banks of MESSAPION River in the area now called Wool and belongs to the village, a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Novena better known today as the Virgin Wool. Name for not conforming scholars. Perhaps remembrance of this the Church celebrates on August 23 is the Novena of Mary.
The surviving chapel is built in the early 13th century (late 12th according to others), without excluding the existence of an older church that carries the foundation of the monastery in the oldest times. The church is cruciform with a cylindrical dome. The dome four unevenly thin-shaped openings arranged crosswise leave the little light go by. The external dimensions of the temple are 4,80CH6,50 measures. To the south was, until 1970 that destroyed a building which efapteto the church. It was known as a cell. On the same wall there are traces arched door which was closed with a wall later. The existence could mean the existence oldest and second chapel which was connected to the main temple. The painting that exists today was in 1637 according to the inscription on the left edge of the birthplace apsidas.Oi wall paintings of Erion contain a refined art which can be seen from the sweetness of forms which makes them unique in the area of ​​16th season and 17th century. In the recess of the shrine depicts the Mother of God Platytera with Jesus child, a separate cycle. In the dome the particular art Christ Pantocrator surrounded by angels and saints guild. In any spherical triangle bear his dome depicted an evangelist. Throughout the lower tier of the walls are painted angels but two drums. During the maintenance of the mural (1969-1970) to the drum North antenna temple depicted the Assumption, found the original first layer of painting. For the history of the monastery did not know much. From documents shortly after the dissolution can be concluded that he was rich and had great extent and property

The church is monomeritiki, ie built in a day and this is why the Turks so little time gave the Christians to build their churches. The early evening when the building of a Turk had finished for unknown reason went up the dome to topple him. Once arrived at the top and before he could touch him fell down and killed as if pushed some invisible hand. His death was a miracle that scared other Turkish and diverted to fygi.Kathe time of the Presentation in the celebration of the Virgin came a sacrifice deer in celebration. Drinking water in the river and then the sacrifice. One year they left the deer to drink water and to rest he rushed to the slaughter. Since then no other deer came back.

Every year on the eve of Candlemas many women went on foot to the church of Our Lady in Wool to take part in the vigil. Around midnight they came out of the sanctuary a FLETRAS. Having made a round inside the church went and sat on the image of the Virgin. From there he left and went back to the temple, the other day when the operation ended. Many say that FLETRAS comes even today.

On the day of the Presentation day of the Virgin celebration and when the operation is in the middle of weeping picture of why Mary is crying because people took the wrong road.





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