The Royal Tower is located in a central position of the village, has a square plan with a side length of about 8.20 m. Before restoration diesoze only the perimeter walls, which kept intact throughout their height (17,50m.) Up to the ramparts. After the walls were mounted internally restored the four levels to the wooden floors. Furthermore, a simple and functional roof constructed, after the original form was not known.

As the tower kept its original entrance on the first floor to a height of 7 m., Where access was then with wooden scales, constructed external metal staircase to ensure the access of visitors inside. The structures that served the housing needs of the feudal lord and tenant, as the goal, the shrine and the cloaca-gun-loops preserved and restored.

So the tower can operate not only as a monument, but also as an information center for the fortification architecture of Evia period of Latin occupation, audiovisual exhibition was organized with information both on the tower of the Royal and for the most important towers and medieval castles of Evia . The report also includes information and towers of Western European feudal lords, who served as the model for those of Evia.



Pirgos Basiliko


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